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CUNA GAC 2022 Event Roundup - Top insights and takeaways from the show floor

Last updated 23 April 2024

From February 27 to March 3, 2022, the Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference (CUNA GAC) was held in Washington, D.C.

CUNA GAC is a premier event that gathers thousands of industry leaders to remind legislators and regulators why credit unions are the best financial partners for Americans. The event was filled with insightful conversations about digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI), and innovation in the credit union industry.

Boost.ai’s development partner for strategic accounts, Daniel Black, represented boost.ai at the event to share our conversational AI technology. With so many organizations focused on digital transformation in 2022, technologies like modern chatbots provide the support credit unions need to meet member needs without disrupting internal productivity.

Catching up with boost.ai’s Daniel Black

What was your primary objective at CUNA GAC?

At boost.ai it is our goal to fully understand the complex challenges of our client's businesses. CUNA GAC was a great opportunity to connect with folks from the front line of member services to the back-end technical support staff, and everything in between. The insights I gained were invaluable and I will take this experience back to our product marketers and developers so we can continually improve our technology, and better serve the Credit Union industry.

What top themes came out of the conference?

  • Building efficiency without loss of engagement
  • Modernizing and embracing a digital-first approach, including self-serve functionality
  • Pioneering solutions that empower customers to reach their financial goals
  • Creating solutions that integrate with current or scalable technologies
  • Developing existing talent to grow with the changing needs of consumers

Describe any lightbulb moments you had in talking about conversational AI.

We recently partnered with Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU) to implement a full-scale conversational AI initiative across their member service organization. There were a couple of things that really stood out when I talked to other credit union organizations about this:

  • They were impressed at how quickly we could implement such a large program with 100% employee approval after only 4 weeks.
  • They had no idea that our no-code conversational AI platform allows organizations to seamlessly integrate virtual agents with their existing tech stack.
  • They didn’t realize how easy it can be to reduce busy work while still maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.
  • They hadn’t seen or tried out chatbot technology that felt helpful or had more to offer than a series of pre-programmed answers.

MSUFCU is a prime example of boost.ai technology in action. The message is clear – chatbots are the leading technology credit unions need to manage customer service, keep up with member demands, and upscale their internal processes to better support their employees.

Learn more: Read the full case study

How is the credit union community responding to this new wave of chatbot implementation?

Many have yet to integrate a chatbot because of poor experiences with other vendors or platforms in the past. However, a lot of credit unions are interested and know a chatbot is something they need – they just need to get started with the right technology.

Credit unions want a solution that can ultimately connect with and migrate to their existing systems. They may even have a chatbot of some kind in play, but they need to optimize what they've done from a technology investment standpoint.

Most customer service questions, especially for credit unions and financial institutions, tend to be mundane. At boost.ai, we're saying – wouldn't it be cool if you could automate these generic questions and reserve human power for more complex inquiries? Our technology allows the human experts to do what they do best and leave the busy work to the chatbots.

Learn more about how boost.ai can strengthen your customer service

Boost.ai is a leader in conversational AI platforms for credit unions. Our technology integrates with existing technologies and platforms, making it easy to upscale your customer service technology when and where you need it most. We have the solutions your branch needs to keep up with member demands and provide personalized, efficient, and memorable customer service experiences for your members.

Learn more about how our innovative technology can improve credit union customer service by exploring the following resources:

Want to learn more about how conversational AI can transform your credit union customer service? Connect with one of our helpful representatives now!