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Embracing the future of hyper-personalized customer experience

Last updated 08 March 2024

In a world where digital interaction is increasingly becoming the norm, the goal for a more personalized and engaging customer experience has led to the development of groundbreaking technologies.

The latest breakthroughs in this space are underpinned by Large Action Models (LAMs), which unlike the more in-vogue Large Language Models (LLMs) that focus primarily on understanding and generating human-like text, LAMs extend this capability by integrating actionable insights and automated decision-making processes.

LAMs, and the technologies that are being built on them, are poised to reshape how businesses interact with their customers. I’d like to explore here how they can be utilized to deliver a level of hyper-personalized customer service in the digital space on par with what consumers are accustomed to in the real world.

The dentist’s office as a blueprint for customer experience

Imagine visiting a dentist, where the experience is meticulously crafted around your comfort and needs.

Upon entering, the door closes behind you, offering a private space where you are the focus. The dentist provides a specific guide on oral hygiene, tailors your treatments to your needs, and remembers your previous conversations, asking about your life and changes since your last visit. Finally, the treatment you receive is not just effective but delivered with care, ensuring your visit is as pleasant as possible.

This level of personalized care and attention can serve as an ideal model for customer experiences in the digital realm, particularly through interactions with chatbots and virtual agents.

Large Action Models: The heart of personalized digital interactions

With the ability to understand human intention and predict the next steps to take, Large Action Models can replicate the dentist’s approach for digital customer service in a number of ways:

  • Creating a private and focused interaction space. Just as a dentist offers a private room, chatbots can create a focused interaction environment. By leveraging large volumes of knowledge material, these AI-driven agents can provide customers with a sense of privacy and exclusivity, addressing their needs without distractions.

  • Offering tailored guidance and solutions. Analogous to a dentist’s specific oral hygiene guidance, chatbots can deliver personalized advice and solutions based on the customer’s history and preferences. Action APIs, scalable with specific information, enable chatbots to offer bespoke responses mirroring the customization one expects in a high-quality dental care setting.

  • Building on previous interactions. Remembering past conversations is key to personalization. Like a dentist recalling your dental history and personal updates, chatbots powered by LAMs can retain and utilize previous interaction data. This capability ensures that each customer interaction is informed by past exchanges, fostering a continuous and evolving relationship

  • Deliver exceptional and efficient service. The ultimate goal, akin to the dentist providing excellent treatment, is for chatbots to resolve customer inquiries and issues efficiently and satisfactorily. Through LAMs, chatbots can execute tasks, make decisions, and provide solutions that lead to successful customer outcomes.

The role of Large Action Models in crafting personalized experiences

LAMs are at the forefront of enabling this transformative approach to customer service. By understanding complex human intentions and translating them into actionable steps, LAMs empower chatbots to interact with customers dynamically and effectively. This interaction isn't just transactional; it's relational, adjusting in real-time to the customer's evolving needs and circumstances.

Moreover, the integration of LAMs with external systems allows for a seamless execution of tasks, from data retrieval to controlling devices, further enhancing the customer experience. The potential for LAMs to automate entire processes and interact intelligently with the world opens new avenues for innovative customer service strategies.

The future of customer experience will be hyper-personalized

As with the extraordinary text-generative capabilities of Large Language Models, the advanced, agentic abilities provided to chatbots by Large Action Models will herald a new era in customer experience.

Businesses will be able to offer service that is not only personalized and efficient but also deeply engaging, mirroring the attentive care one expects from not just a visit to the dentist, but any other situation where knowing your customers and their preferences is key - such as a concierge at a hotel or a travel agency, for instance.

As technology evolves, the potential for LAMs to revolutionize customer service and beyond is immense, promising a future where digital interactions are as personal and meaningful as those in the real world.

At boost.ai, we have developed a layer on top of our conversational AI that we call ‘Generative Action’ which leverages the capabilities of both LAMs and LLMs to take the level of personalization in our virtual agents beyond what was previously possible.

The journey toward realizing the full potential of large action models in customer experience is just beginning. With continued innovation and development, the possibilities are boundless, promising a future where AI doesn't just serve; it understands, anticipates, and delights in every interaction.