The AI revolution in call centers

Feeling like your call center is lagging in the digital transformation race? Encumbered by legacy systems that impede customer experience and leave agents frustrated? It's high time to adopt advanced call center technologies. US contact centers present a stark disparity in tech adoption—from those reliant on archaic systems to the ones exploiting the latest tech for customer insights and satisfaction.

It's essential to move towards the latter end, whether that means replacing old applications gradually or doing a complete system overhaul. As we move through 2023, the benefits of AI and advanced automation in call centers are impossible to overlook. If your goal is to enhance operations, boost agent contentment, and please customers, then this should be your year to harness AI and advanced automation to uplift your call center game.

What are advanced call center technologies?

Understanding and leveraging advanced call center technologies is crucial to keep up with rapidly advancing industry trends and ensuring businesses offer unparalleled customer service. At their core, these technologies represent an exciting fusion of capabilities, often employing elements of artificial intelligence (AI) such as natural language processing and machine learning. These enhancements make your organization smarter, enabling proactive, personalized, and unique customer interactions.

Most advanced call center technologies are based in the cloud, offering agility, scalability, and adaptability to navigate changing business landscapes, unexpected crises, and evolving consumer demands. Cloud-based systems simplify the integration of core operational applications and service delivery channels, streamlining your business for an efficient, frictionless customer experience (CX).

But it doesn't end there. These technologies come with unique functionalities absent in older systems, which can motivate agents, improve operations, offer customers a choice of channels, and more.

The vision for the contact center of the future is one that is predictive, proactive, and relentlessly centered on CX. To achieve this, you'll need the right technical arsenal. Advanced call center technologies are no longer a luxury but an essential toolkit to ensure you're meeting the needs of modern customers, maintaining competitive edge, and preparing for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Call center automation trends for 2023

As we delve further into 2023, several key trends are shaping the advanced call center landscape, promising to revolutionize customer service and experience.

AI has emerged as a game-changer in the contact center industry. It enables intelligent customer segmentation and behavioral prediction. By automating processes and assisting agents with predictive responses, AI significantly enhances the customer experience.

Today's customers appreciate the immediacy and round-the-clock availability of chat. Chatbots, conversational AI, and virtual AI assistants are increasingly being utilized to carry out a wide range of tasks, from simple question answering to setting appointments, thus becoming an integral part of contact center automation.

In an era of evolving customer communication preferences, it's paramount for call centers to meet customers where they are. This necessitates an omnichannel approach that seamlessly integrates voice, email, social media, live chat, and more, to provide a unified and smooth customer experience.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology is one of the longest-standing pillars of contact center automation. Today, with advancements in conversational AI, speech recognition, and remote working technologies, there is renewed focus on optimizing IVR systems. Companies are streamlining IVR procedures to enhance communication efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Finally, predictive analytics uses historical data, machine learning, and statistical algorithms to predict future outcomes. This can help contact centers anticipate customer needs and preferences, adjust resource allocation, and strategically guide interactions for improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Examples of advanced call center technologies

Cloud solutions

Cloud computing has only grown in popularity since its invention. This is thanks to its many advantages, including flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Cloud-based solutions are especially useful in the current remote-first world as they allow agents to operate from any part of the world with an internet connection. Additionally, it enables call center managers to manage large volumes of data without worrying about keeping and moving records.

Predictive behavioral routing

AI has the capability to predict outcomes using data from the past. This can be helpful in situations such as choosing which call center agent to assign to a customer query. By looking at which agent has historically dealt with a query the fastest, AI can assign similar issues to the same person. This can greatly improve customer satisfaction as agents will work on what they are best suited for, resulting in improved efficiency across the table.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

AI-powered IVR systems are not just menu-based voice prompts. They have evolved to have the ability to use natural language processing to decipher an input from context. This means they not only respond to specific words but can also pick up what a customer is trying to communicate if they use related terms.

Conversational AI

AI chatbots with conversational capabilities can greatly improve customer interactions. They can take on simpler customer inquiries, freeing human agents to take care of the more complex issues. If seamlessly integrated, these chatbots also offer other benefits, such as instant messaging and 24/7 service.

Call analytics

This is an advanced function that uses AI to analyze call data in real-time. By looking at patterns and trends, call analytics helps managers track call center performance and identify areas for improvement as soon as possible. In the long term, these analytics can also be used to paint a general picture of a call center’s integrity over time.

Advanced call center technologies in action


Vodafone, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, has made good use of AI. The company implemented the use of an AI-powered chatbot that offers personalized assistance to customers. The chatbot used a combination of machine learning and natural language processing to successfully deliver customer service, an effort that led to a 75% reduction in costs and a 90% increase in customer satisfaction ratings. This example shows just how impactful AI can be, even on such a large scale.


Expivia, a US-based company, has embraced interaction analytics to boost its services and internal operations. The company utilizes analytics to provide agent incentives based on customer sentiment scores.

In one notable case, Expivia used these tools to identify a client's fulfillment issue that was generating calls and frustrating customers. Once resolved, customer satisfaction improved significantly, highlighting the power of advanced call center technologies.


Renowned retailer DSW found a creative solution for its expanding customer service operations through a voice bot in their IVR system. Initially used for caller authentication before agent transfer, it now automates password resets and order status checks. The results? A remarkable 30% increase in customer satisfaction and a two-minute decrease in average handle time.


HSBC’s AI-powered virtual assistant, “Amy,” delivers immediate assistance to customers regarding general inquiries and transactions. This use of AI resulted in a 12% reduction in average handling time, saving over $3 million for the global banking and financial services firm.

Examples of advanced call center best practices

Consistent, quality interactions

A hallmark of advanced call center technologies is consistent, quality customer interactions. Customers expect prompt responses, particularly on social media. Effective routing of calls to the right agents ensures immediate problem resolution, highlighting the importance of implementing advanced call center technology.

Multichannel communication and analytics

Offering multiple channels for customer communication is integral to modern call center operations. These diverse channels not only cater to customers' preferences but also generate a wealth of data. Analyzing this data to understand agent performance and customer behavior is vital to continually refine your strategies and enhance service quality.

Emphasize agent training and engagement

Well-trained agents form the backbone of any successful call center. Incorporating engaging training methodologies like gamification can foster a deeper understanding of your brand, products, and escalation procedures. As advanced call center technologies evolve, continuous training ensures that agents remain proficient in leveraging these tools for superior service delivery.

Effective and supportive management

Solid management practices, such as providing constructive feedback and encouraging open dialogue, significantly contribute to agent satisfaction and performance. Moreover, offering career progression opportunities and pay raises can boost agent motivation and retention.

Equip with the best tools

It's crucial to equip your agents with the best tools available. This includes ensuring the compatibility of technologies for remote working situations. For instance, a cloud-based contact center solution can effectively support remote working scenarios.

Leverage automation and chatbots

Advanced call center technologies such as automation and chatbots can drastically reduce customer wait times and streamline information collection about customer issues.

Moreover, intelligent routing further optimizes call distribution, vastly improving both employee and customer experiences. Thus, embracing advanced call center technologies is a best practice that ensures efficiency and high-quality customer service.

Can artificial intelligence in call centers replace agents?

As we embark on this era of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, it's essential to clarify one fundamental misconception: AI in call centers is not designed to replace human agents but to augment their capabilities. Advanced technologies like AI are tools that enhance call center performance, streamline processes, and significantly elevate the overall customer experience.

How AI is used in call centers

Let's explore some examples of how AI impacts various call center processes.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI provides seamless interactions by understanding and interpreting human language in real time. While AI is great at handling routine queries, it's the human touch that shines when addressing complex customer needs. By handling simpler queries, conversational AI frees agents to focus on more complex and value-additive tasks.

Predictive call routing

Predictive call routing uses AI to analyze numerous data points in real-time, determining the best agent to handle a specific customer's call based on their skills and past performance. This approach doesn't eliminate the agent; instead, it enhances their efficiency, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Interactive voice response (IVR)

Modern IVRs utilize AI to understand and respond to customer voice commands, facilitating the quicker resolution of basic inquiries. However, when callers need empathy and understanding - something AI is yet to master fully - human agents are irreplaceable.

AI-powered recommendations

AI can analyze massive data sets to provide agents with real-time recommendations during a call. These can range from troubleshooting steps to potential upsell opportunities, further improving agents' performance and customer satisfaction.

Call analytics

Call analytics powered by AI can provide insights on call duration, hold time, and sentiment analysis. These insights are valuable for identifying areas of improvement, but it’s the agents who leverage these insights to improve their interactions with customers.

Emotional intelligence AI

While AI can analyze a caller's tone, language, and sentiment to gauge their emotional state, genuine empathy and emotional connection still necessitate a human touch.

Advantages of using AI in call centers

The year 2023 has already proven that AI is here to stay in almost all areas, including call centers. Similar to the advent of the internet, businesses that adopt early on will get to enjoy all the benefits that this technology has to offer.

By embracing AI, your call center can boost productivity and efficiency without compromising the quality of service. Some of the ways call centers can benefit from AI include:

Sentiment analysis

Advanced AI tools have the ability to analyze text and decipher the general tone of the conversation. Instead of having agents read all customer feedback manually, an AI tool can quickly analyze the text and give a summarized overview of how customers feel about the company or a specific product.


Just like a calculator can multiply much faster than a human being, AI can perform tasks exponentially faster than call agents. Some of the tasks AI can perform faster than a call agent include finding a technical solution to a problem, providing instructions on how to use a product, and summarizing a long customer complaint for reporting purposes.

Intelligent assistance

In many cases, customers tend to have generic issues with your product or service. A well-trained AI chatbot can easily handle most of these while your agents are freed up to cater to complaints that are unique and more complex.

Error identification

AI programs are less prone to error than humans and more capable of noticing anomalies and deviations. By using AI to track breaches in your system, you enable yourself to stay on top of any potential errors resulting in a prompt resolution.

Enhanced self-service

AI-powered self-service options such as virtual assistants enable customers to find solutions to their queries without human intervention. This benefits both businesses and customers as it reduces or even removes unnecessary waiting times. Additionally, self-service is available 24/7, a benefit that many would be happy to have, as demonstrated by a survey that found that customers are more willing to spend with brands that offer instant messaging.

Big data management

One essential element of customer service is performance tracking. However, for it to work, there has to be a large volume of accurate data to work with. If you incorporate AI into your call center, you rid yourself of the responsibility to take and analyze records, as it can be done automatically.

The future of AI call center technology

Looking into the future, the incorporation of AI into call center processes can only be expected to progress. Chatbots like ChatGPT are currently able to mimic human interactions, and with more adoption and use, these AI tools will get even more human-like, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

A key area businesses have to work on is the integration of AI into their current call center technology stacks. To truly enjoy the benefits AI has to offer, call centers have to seamlessly integrate AI capabilities into their current workflow.

This includes the flawless flow of data from one system to another. For example, human call center agents should be able to pick up a customer complaint that has been partially solved by an AI tool and vice versa.

To take it one step further, call centers must also embrace omnichannel communication alongside AI. Today’s customers expect seamless transitions from one digital platform to another. This includes email, social media, and web chatbots. Efficient call centers will have to synchronize all these channels in addition to incorporating AI into their processes.

Virtual assistants will also play a prominent role in the future of call centers. These AI-powered tools can take on some generic customer inquiries and even carry out routine tasks like appointment scheduling.

Beyond the current AI revolution is the concept of the metaverse.

Spearheaded by social media giant Meta, the metaverse promises an immersive experience that allows customers to interact with virtual agents in what feels like a face-to-face conversation. While we are yet to see real-world applications of this technology, the potential exists as companies continue investing billions of dollars into realizing this dream.

Embracing the AI revolution in call centers

The artificial intelligence call center revolution is fully in motion, and businesses must adapt to thrive in this evolving landscape. While advanced call center technologies like AI, chatbots, and omnichannel communication enhance efficiency and customer experiences, striking the right balance with human interaction is crucial.

Crafting a well-thought-out strategy that harnesses the power of AI while valuing the importance of the human touch remains essential. By embracing the opportunities presented by AI call center technologies, businesses can drive success and create exceptional customer experiences tailored to their specific needs. It's time to embrace the AI revolution and shape the future of call centers.