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  • Modernizing customer relationships in financial services

Modernizing customer relationships in financial services

Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 8:01AM ET

Grete Øvrebø
Monika Niedbalska
Jørgen Steines
Benjamin Maxim
Last updated 07 March 2024

Will you be a winner or a loser in this new digital-first world?

The days of needing to visit a local bank branch to deal with one’s finances are long gone.

Today’s Millennials are all grown up, and their Gen Z siblings are now pushing 20. Combined with the impact of an on-going global pandemic, the emerging digital-first world is creating new winners and losers amongst financial institutions of every kind; banks, credit unions, insurance companies, you name it.

Anyone showing reluctance to act, or an inability to adapt, risks being left behind by the unforgiving nature of digitally native consumers.

Watch the webinar and learn:

  • How virtual agents powered by conversational AI help financial institutions of all sizes win customers and members while driving down support costs.
  • Easy ways to eliminate risks and manage through potential stumbling blocks so that you can move fast - and catch up with the expectations of digital customers.
  • Fresh perspective strategies and questions you need to ask yourself to determine the best way forward for your organization.